Undertale Music In Makecode

This is a project I built and showcase here. It represents my virtual Best Wishes for these holidays, to all the community members.

Explore 10 music projects and tutorials with instructions, code and schematics. New projects for beginners and up posted every day. Get inspired with ideas.


Control your Spotify playlist with a micro:bit on a Mac.

Sm iagi Buku Panduan Praktikum Laboratorium Geologi Dasar, Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Angkatan 2014, Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian, Universitas Halu Oleo. DAFTAR ISI PENGANTAR v PRAKATA vii DAFTAR ISI ix DAFTAR GAMBAR xiii DAFTAR TABEL xvii BAB 1 HAKEKAT GEOLOGI 1 Kompetensi Dasar 1 Tujuan Pembelajaran 2 Pendahuluan 2 1.1. Defi nisi Geologi 2 1.2. Perkembangan Ilmu Geologi 3 1.3. Skala Waktu Geologi 4 1.4. Konsep dan Hukum Geologi 9 Rangkuman 12 Soal-soal 13 BAB 2 PEMBENTUKAN BUMI 15.


There are many ways/apps/tools to tune an ukulele, and now there is one more!


Pause/resume your Spotify playlist with a micro:bit on Windows.


Control your tunes with a handheld companion! Celebrating 10 years of Portal.


By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to know how to control your phone's music player using micro:bit.


How to make your micro:bit work as a touch-activated music generator, that plays Star Wars theme.


A simple tone player using BBC Micro:bit boards. Lens manual focus canon - download free apps.


Learn how to play sounds and music from the BBC micro:bit through the Speaker of Snap Circuits.


Learn how to play sounds and music from the BBC micro:bit through the Whistle Chip (WC) of Snap Circuits.