Top 3 Alternatives To Tap Forms Organizer And Secure Database For Mac

Our website provides a free download of Tap Forms Organizer and Secure Database 3.5.19 for Mac. This software for Mac OS X was originally created by Tap Zapp Software Inc. Tap Forms Organizer and Secure Database for Mac relates to Productivity Tools.

Alternatives to filemaker pro for mac
  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 3 months ago by .
  • Hello all,

    I currently have both the latest Mac and iOS versions of Tapforms installed. I have 4 Database Documents on the Mac with 2 of them synced to the iPhone vis the ‘Nearby’ option (I am cloud adverse). I’d like to create a third shared Database Document (also to be ‘Nearby’ synced) for secure information, so I’d like to have it encrypted in both locations. I don’t want to creat any problems for my existing DB’s before starting, so I thought I’d ask questions up front. Any and all assistance with any/all questions will be greatly appreciated. All questions relate to syncing using the Nearby function. Thanks.

    1) Can an individual Database Document be encrypted and synced using the Nearby option (so the others are not)? If yes, how might I go about doing that?
    2) Is it possible to encrypt a form within a database document without having all the forms in the database document encrypted? If yes, how might I go about doing that?
    3) Will the encryption work for both the OS and iOS versions?
    4) Is it possible to encrypt just a field within a record? If so, how?
    5) Do you have to close the app on the iOS in order to ‘reside’ the encrypted information or will it ‘relock’ whenever you switch apps?

    1. Yes. Encryption in Tap Forms 5 is done at the document level. You can even have different passwords for different documents.

    2. No. Encryption is done at the database document level.

    3. Yes. The encryption & decryption of the document works for both macOS and iOS.

    4. No. I used to have something like that in the older versions of Tap Forms, but there were too many troubles with it and I took it out. I favoured creating separate encrypted documents instead. You can keep all your private stuff in some documents and all your non-private stuff in other documents.

    5. It depends on what settings you’ve specified for the Auto-Lock setting on the Security Settings screen. If you set it to Immediately (the default), then yes, Tap Forms will ask you for the password if you switch to another app and back.

    If you want to see more action, you.The game was originally supposed to launch in the summer of 2018, and after a delay into the winter, it has recently been. Inazuma eleven ares. Today Level-5 a livestream abut its upcoming soccer JRPG Inazuma Eleven: Ares no Tenbin (Inazuma Eleven: Balance of Ares).During the broadcast, we saw roughly three minutes of gameplay from the Nintendo Switch version showing a match between the hero team Inakuni Raimon against the new team God Bulls.As usual, we get to see some of the over-the-top special moves that are a trademark of the series, and they’re absolutely epic for those who like this kind of anime-like entertainment.You can check out the video below, alongside the full livestream.

    Also note, that a document can be encrypted on one device but not encrypted on another device and they’ll still sync. Encryption and decryption is done when writing to and reading from the database. You can even have different passwords on the same document on different devices and they’ll still sync. The data transmitted over your WiFi network is also encrypted, regardless of whether or not you’ve encrypted your document.

    Lazy campgrounds. Hope that answers your questions ok.



    This can happen if you have High Sierra, but don’t have the 5.2.3 update for macOS.

    But if that’s not your situation, try removing the devices from the Nearby sync screen, then re-add them. On iOS, to remove, just swipe to the left to delete them.

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